Monday, December 21, 2009

sing me a song

sing me a song... sing me a song
sing me a song ...
a song about all things that I forgot
sing me an old song ,
sing me a new one,
sing me a song about love

sing me a song about freedom
sing me a song ...the song that I forgot
sing me a song...
a song of sun and  rain, a song of sand and snow,

sing me, sing me a song
a new one, an old one
a song about love, a song about God
sing me a song to remember
the world where I belong .
sing me a song to remember ,
all the places where I come from,
all the places where I will go,
 sing me a song ....

sing me, sing me, sing me
my song, your song,
A song  about you, about me
a song before begining the world
a song about love, about time, about freedom.......

Sing me a song about dark
Sing me a song about light
a song about sun and snow
about spring, about autumn
about ...dancing with winds,
about ...playing in waters .
sing a song, sing me a song,
about you, about me
the song of love, of time, of freedom ...
sing me a song ...


  1. am crezut ca e melodia return - sing me a song..

  2. :d mu stiam de return - sing me a song ...thx pt link ...
    melodia de mai sus e melodia mea ..dintr-o seara de iarna ...
